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Personal Development

At Gretton Primary School, we believe in developing the whole child; equipping them with the knowledge, skills, vocabulary and conceptual understanding to succeed in education and in later life. 

We aim to develop learners that are cooperativeconfident communicatorsresilientcreativeproblem solvers and tolerant. These character traits are developed through many areas of our curriculum and through carefully selected trips, visitors, events and curriculum enhancements.

Developing pupil’s character allows them to achieve positive health, education and employment.  It encourages pupils to understand, value and demonstrate positive behavioural traits that makes them well-rounded citizens, to better understand themselves and work on their weaknesses along with instilling a moral compass in understanding and interacting with other people. 

We provide our pupils with the building blocks to build and grow their own strong, moral principles and core values which they can turn to later on in life as a guide to success. This enables Gretton Primary School children to develop skills and traits that help them to tackle any problem or situation that arises in their education and life. 

Through a whole-school approach, the character traits will be delivered and modelled explicitly by all staff through tailored and appropriate activities and experiences.