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      Mrs Sollis

Class Teachers: Mr Bridges and Mrs Sollis 

Mrs Phillips      Mrs Lacey     Mrs Fowler

Teaching Assistants (from left to right): Mrs Phillips, Mrs Lacey and Mrs Fowler 

Owls Class is home to our Year 3 and 4 pupils and here pupils begin their journey into Key Stage 2; developing their independence, curiosity and love for learning with a range of exciting learning opportunities. 

We very much enjoy taking our learning out of the classroom whenever opportunities arise to do so. For example, last year, we created a Stone Age - present day timeline on the playground, enjoyed two six-week block of Forest School activities, visited the Neolithic long barrow of Belas Knap and also drew inspiration for some Autumnal poetry with a walk around Gretton. 

Please do read our welcome letter attached below which includes important information on our class routines. 

For photographs and more information please connect with our class on Showbie (current parents only) at using the class code: FEZFD. 

If you have any questions, please fell free to speak with any of us. 


Please find our spring term curriculum web below: